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The generous volunteer spirit of MAC Band parents is what keeps our halftime shows, contests, and events running so smoothly. If you would like to help, please fill out our form to let us know which types of volunteer opportunities interest you.  Additionally, AISD requires all volunteers to register and complete the forms at their volunteer website:  Thank you!


Sign-up for Game and Contest Day Chaperones, Pit and Props Crew, Meal Crew, and other opportunities.


The McCallum High School Band Booster Association meetings are held once per month. Parents and supporters are welcome. For information, please contact


2024-2025 Band Booster Officers & Roles

Kenda Flaks

Vice President/Band:  John Hamlet
Vice President/Color Guard:  Allison Eberly
Treasurer:  Elma Cantú Aldrete

Secretary:  Laura Martinez

Parliamentarian:  Appointed by President as needed
Freshman at Large Rep:  Debbie DeBerry
Sophomore at Large Rep:  Jeremy Palafox
Junior at Large Rep:  Nisha Patel
Senior at Large Rep:  Amanda Braziel-Holleman
Color Guard Rep:  Katherine Brown
Percussion Rep:  Kristee Humphrey
Jazz Band Rep:  Heidi Okla

Bus Chaperone Co-Chairs:  David Crist & Laura Martinez
Pit Crew Coordinator:  Lucy Brotherton

Props Coordinator:  Mike Sammon
Fundraising Co-Chairs:  Ale Hamlet & Kenda Flaks

Alumni Relations:  Jeremy Palafox

Mardi Grazie Chair:  Laura Volluz

Meal Coordinator:  Jenny Carman
Spring Program Co-Chairs:  Kim Glessner & Kristee Humphrey
Uniform Support Co-Chairs: Laura Martinez, & Kim Glessner
Webmasters: Amanda Braziel-Holleman & Elma Cantú Aldrete
Social Media Co-Chairs:  Dianne Folkerth & Billy Holleman

Photography: Charlie Chauvin

Ice Organizing:  Mike Sammon

Sunshine Baskets:  President & VPs

Videography:   YOUR NAME HERE

Band Booster Relations: YOUR NAME HERE

Spring Band Banquet: YOUR NAME HERE​

McCallum High School

5600 Sunshine Drive

Austin, Texas 78756

© 2024 McCallum Band Booster Association. This site is paid for and maintained by McCallum Band Booster Association. It is not an official AISD website.

No tax dollars are used to maintain this site.

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